Labouring on Labor Day

Working in our school requires a lot of flexibility and patience. It may not be as stressful compared to working in a regular school but one still needs to be prepared with sudden changes in schedules especially when it's related to working on a national holiday.

Since we're a language school, our schedule is quite different with regular schools. Whereas a regular school is open from Mondays to Fridays, ours is open on the weekends. So this May 1st, instead of having that one day holiday, we ended up doing promotions outside. It's the school's way of attracting and getting children to enroll in Aston English School. What we usually do is we choose a park, a square or place where kids would go out with the family. And since it's a holiday, it's also expected that kids won't have school and would probably go to the park or the square with their family. Thus, a great opportunity to do promotions!

We started by handing out balloons to our prospective targets and inviting them to join us in a mini-game.

We made sure that the games we played were as interesting as possible. This was our way of prepping them up and getting them ready to see the foreigner teacher (that's ME!) for an Open House. An Open House is a short class demonstration. This is our way of giving the kids, as well as the parents present, an idea of what usually happens in Aston English School. 

After the game, we started our class demonstration. This is usually done with the foreign teacher and is assisted by a Chinese teacher. I taught animals and colours today.

I played the Twister Game as we learned colours.

We spent the whole day doing promotions and  I did a total of 4 Open Houses. It was fun but tiring because we had to be active all the time. Parents and grandparents kept asked a lot of question and took a lot of pictures. I am hoping to see these kids who attended our class demonstration in our school next term. Oh, such pressure! 

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